Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lightning at Ford's Butte, just north of Newcomb, NM along Highway 491. This photo was taken during a spring storm.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Women of The Navajo, 2007 Calendar Models
Navajo Nation Fair appearance
Window Rock, AZ

Cynthia Yazzie, January 2007
Tohatchi, NM

Savannah Simasingh, February 2007
Tohatchi, NM

Tracy L. Williams, March 2007
Naha'ta Dzil, AZ

Erica Mannie, April 2007
Ganado, AZ

Charmayne Woody, May 2007
Dilkon, AZ

Krista J. Thompson, June 2007
Pinedale, NM

Kevina Donaghey, July 2007
Burnt Corn, AZ

Chantel L. Francis, August 2007
Houck, AZ

Shannon C. Martin, September 2007
Shiprock, NM

Tashina N. Redhouse, November 2007
Pinon, AZ

Not pictured:

Gabrielle L. Francis, October 2007
Window Rock, AZ

Crystal B. Cly, December 2007
Kayenta, AZ

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The 4 Corners Monument, looking from Arizona, New Mexico is to the right, Utah to the left and Colorado up top.

Line of people waiting for their chance to stand on the monument. Flags of the 4 states, the US flag and tribal flags fly in the breeze.

Everyone put a hand and foot in all states. More fun when you all get involved.

If you brought your dogs, get them in the picture too!

You can lay in all 4 states, and make your friends wait their turn.

If your from Brasil, you may not understand the 4 states meeting at one point thing, but your are here and might as well do what others are doing.

You can take photos of yourself at the monument.

Maybe you want the regular group photo. Go for it!

And before you leave, get your t-shirt, where else can you get an authentic 4-corners tee.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

1st Landscape photo: This view is looking east from the homestead, just before sunrise. I took this around 6am, following some rain storms during the night.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Casper, Native Reggae singer, from Hopi performs at the Ute Mountain music festival in Towaoc, CO.

Casper belting out the tunes.

The backup singers

Members of the Mighty 602 Band

Casper dances on stage with the Mighty 602 Band

Even the young members of the crowd enjoy Casper's music.

Hey, whats up!, just my experiment with a blog.

I am going to post pics here...all types, not going to limit myself to my favorite type of photography-Sports.

I will even post landscapes, yep thats what I said "landscapes". I know thats hard to believe given my background of published work.

So sit back and enjoy the pics that will be posted here.